SleepA Tips: 3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

by SleepA Mentor

Yoga is a wonderful addition to any exercise program. Thanks in part to its distinctive pranayama breathing. Besides, yoga enhances muscle tone, flexibility, and balance as well as your ability to unwind and manage stress. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that yoga practices improve general well-being and quality of life by lowering stress, anxiety, sadness, and chronic pain as well as by improving sleep.

Are you prepared to try it? Here are eight basic yoga stances, or “asanas,” that yoga instructors suggest.

Easy Pose — Sukhasana — to Relieve Stress

SleepA Tips: 3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Easy Pose — Sukhasana — to Relieve Stress

On a yoga mat, cross your legs and place your palms up on your knees. Maintain as much spinal straightness as you can. Your “sit bones,” as they are known in yoga, should be pushed into the ground. Eyes closed, take a deep breath.

Gwen Lawrence, a yoga coach for the New York Knicks and other sports teams, athletes, and celebrities, thinks that this posture is excellent for novices to utilize as an evaluation. You can see and feel the external rotation of the legs perfectly by simply sitting on the floor. Additionally improving back flexibility, this pose has stress-relieving properties.

Cat-Cow to Awaken the Spine and Ease Back Pain

SleepA Tips: 3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Cat-Cow to Awaken the Spine and Ease Back Pain

Get down on all fours on your mat, placing your hands just below your shoulders and your knees just below your hips. Spread your fingers wide and distribute your weight evenly between your hands. Take a deep breath in and round your back, arching it upward as you bring your chin to your chest. You should feel a cat-like stretch from your neck to your tailbone. Lift your head and lean it back as you exhale, then lower your back all the way to a scoop shape.

Leah Cullis, a Baptiste Yoga instructor, claims that the cat-cow pose stretches and wakes the spine, which relieves back discomfort. Additionally, the entire spine, neck, chest, and shoulders should open up, increasing flexibility. However, I advise repeating five to ten times or more.

Plank Pose – Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana

SleepA Tips: 3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Plank Pose – Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana

This pose engages all of the muscles in the front of your body and is quite active. However, It’s simple to hunch your shoulders or drop a little too much and develop “banana back.” Besides, Asking a friend to see your shape from the side is a good technique for a beginner to understand this stance.

After all, your upper body should be mostly straight from your hands on the floor to your hips, with slight curves allowed for natural spine curves.

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