SleepA Tips: 4 ways to unwind from work

by SleepA Mentor

The harsh fact of modern life is that we spend a lot of time. The majority of our time racing against deadlines, to-do lists, and other obligations. The arduous Monday-Friday whirlwind saps our vitality as we strive to be as effective and productive as possible. We need to recharge over the weekend now more than ever. Additionally, use those 48 hours to tune out from all the stress and tune in to what we enjoy. Here are four suggestions for relaxed weekends: 

Disconnect from work and reconnect with those you love.

SleepA Tips: 4 ways to unwind from work

Disconnect from work and reconnect with those you love

Physical, mental, and general well-being all depend on having a healthy work-life balance. Make it a point to avoid thinking about work on the weekends. Then, reestablish contact with those who matter most to you in your life as soon as possible. We all know that a quality time with family can help a person feel being loved and escape from the work life.

Invest time in your favorite hobbies.

SleepA Tips: 4 ways to unwind from work

Invest time in your favorite hobbies

Whether it’s meditating, reading or exercising, investing time in your favorite hobbies over the weekend allows you to disengage from work, ultimately helping you recover from your week.

Minimize household tasks.

Rethink your weekly schedule to prevent having to do household chores and shopping on the weekends. Think about doing your food shopping online. Try cleaning one room every day, divide the job with family members, and learn to tolerate some chaos sometimes. Spreading out school assignments over the course of the week and imposing time limitations on housework are some suggestions made by author Erin Rooney Doland.

Sleep in only if you really need to.

Sleeping in for a few extra hours on the weekend isn’t the best way to catch up on sleep missed during the week. Although a study from Harvard Medical School demonstrated that it’s impossible to catch up on sleep to improve body performance.  Instead of dreaming about eliminating your sleep debt. Start planning a regular sleeping routine for a more restful weekend and a better week ahead.

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