SleepA Tips: 5 Ways to Schedule Your Dreams

by SleepA Mentor

Have you ever desired a response to a challenging, private query? Perhaps you struggled with decision-making or encountered a difficulty you were unsure how to handle. Have you ever wanted to go to sleep with the certainty that you would have a fantastic, illuminating dream instead? Or perhaps a restorative dream that gives you emotional energy? If you can program your dreams, it will be beneficial if you can answer yes to any of these questions.

Keep a journal of your dreams and their purposes.

Keep a diary next to your bed in which you record your dreams‘ intentions every night before bed. What you wish to dream about is essentially your intention. Write down any nightmares you had the night before, first thing in the morning. Keep trying if you can’t recall your dreams. The next night, as you go off to sleep, train your mind by mentally repeating an objective. Eventually, you will begin to recall your dreams.

Use pictures to help you visualize your dream.

SleepA Tips: 5 Ways to Schedule Your Dreams

Use pictures to help you visualize your dream

Examine a picture that represents a subject you want to dream about carefully before turning out the lights at night. When you close your eyes to go to sleep, concentrate on the image’s details and imagine the image in your mind as you do so.

Set your brainwaves with sounds and music.

SleepA Tips: 5 Ways to Schedule Your Dreams

Set your brainwaves with sounds and music

Listening to music or binaural beats (brainwave entrainment) can change the frequency of your brainwaves. For instance, listen to calming music if you want to have a restful, pleasant dream. It will help you reach your goal by putting you in the appropriate state of mind.

You may also focus on the pure sound of a single note playing at the frequency you wish to use, or you can listen to white noise, rain, the ocean, or other water noises.

Sleep with a relaxing aroma.

Before going to bed, some people claim that the aroma of flowers encourages pleasant dreams, while the smell of rotten eggs, unexpectedly, has the opposite effect.

Both when we are awake and when we are asleep, smells have an impact on us.

While it’s best to stay away from disagreeable smells before bed, if a specific perfume makes you feel good, inhale it right before bed or have an aromatherapy diffuser running while you sleep.

It can’t hurt and could result in a delightful dream!

SleepA Tips: 5 Ways to Schedule Your Dreams

Play video games!


People who play video games frequently acquire skills for managing virtual environments. Some people learn that they are adept at controlling their dreams as a result. Playing video games might help you have more lucid dreams, or dreams where you have control and are aware that you are dreaming. You’re more likely to succeed the more you practice programming your desires. Your brain will set itself up to create the desired effects.

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