SleepA Tips: How to Daily Meditation Practice

by Sophia

Have you ever tried to form a new habit or learn a new skill? You probably recognized early on that daily practice was essential for success. Beginning a daily meditation practice might be difficult. However, most people find it easier as they begin to notice some of the numerous advantages. Feeling unsure about including meditation into your daily routine? That is very achievable, and these success strategies can assist.

Begin small

Begin where you are. If 10 minutes seems too long, start with five. After a week, gradually increase your practice time by one minute per week until you reach 30 minutes (or more) at a time.

Find the best time

Many sources will offer different “optimal” times to meditate. Nonetheless, your ideal time is whenever you can make it for yourself. If you force yourself to meditate at a time that conflicts with your schedule, you’ll likely become upset and reluctant to continue. Instead, experiment with different meditation times to determine what works best for you. That could be first thing in the morning, shortly before bed, or over your lunch break at work. So, try to stick to whatever time you set. Furthermore, consistency might assist your new habit to become ingrained in your everyday routine.

Find the best time

Find the best time

Get comfortable

We have a tendency to overcomplicate and challenge meditation. Take it easy. Firstly, begin by finding a comfortable place. Secondly, sit cross-legged on the floor, on a meditation cushion, bolster, or blanket if you’re flexible, with your knees slightly below your hips. Moreover, you also can sit in a chair with your feet on the floor if you aren’t sitting on the floor.

Try a meditation app or podcast

Switch on your smartphone. There is an app for almost everything these days, and meditation is no exception.
Apps can be used to access:
– Meditations for various situations
Relaxing music
– Breathing exercises
– Audio podcasts
– Resources and pictures to assist you in learning more about meditation
You may also customize the app to track your progress and adjust your meditation style based on your current mental state.

Try a meditation app or podcast

Try a meditation app or podcast


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