SleepA: Improve your focus and concentration

by SleepA Mentor

Nowadays, people are becoming less focus on their work and get less work done. These are some tips from SleepA App for you to improve your focus and concentrate on the work more.

Listen to music

Our brains have been found to benefit from music therapy. While certain music may distract you, soft music may improve your ability to concentrate.

Most experts concur that while music with lyrics and human voices may be distracting, classical music and natural sounds, such as water flowing, are good alternatives for focus. For various types of focus and work needs, numerous applications and services offer background music and soundscapes.

Music/ASMR from SleepA App

Make a plan

Such complex conditions are frequently the major cause of our inability to concentrate when we are uncertain of what must be done next. What should happen next is unclear to us.

If the steps are not sufficiently defined, emotional difficulties early in your life objectives might swiftly throw you off course.

The amount of knowledge you require to feel confident enough to move forward can vary depending on your ambition and experience. Create clarity and resources to ensure that the appropriate procedures are taken. You’ll be able to move forward with ease as soon as you realize this.

Get rid of distractions

When we are constantly being bombarded with information, how can we focus better? Make it a habit to block out time in your calendar to complete a certain chore or activity.

Ask to be left alone or move to a location where others are less likely to bother you during this time, such as a library, a coffee shop, or a private room.

Social media and other apps should be closed, notifications should be turned off, and your phone should be kept out of sight in a bag or backpack. Researchers discovered that having the phone out of sight—as opposed to just being switched off—significantly improved cognitive performance, as reported in HBR. Keep Your main priority is to finish the tasks at hand. You can improve your ability to concentrate by turning off both internal and external distractions.

A To-do list

Consider learning from billionaire Warren Buffet, who over the years clearly had no trouble setting priorities for his financial objectives and remaining focused.

According to legend, Buffet advised his personal pilot Mike Flint on how to choose your big focus using the two-list method. Buffet was assisting Flint in developing his focus in relation to his professional objectives, but you can apply this same technique to enhance and sustain focus in all areas of your life.

This is how it goes:

  •  Step 1: List your top 25 goals for your profession, marriage, family, volunteering, etc. on one piece of paper.
  •  Step 2: Only circle the top five choices.
  •  Step 3: Create two lists, one for the top five and the other for the remaining 20.
  •  Step 4: Store the second list safely and out of your line of sight (after all, out of sight, out of memory).
  •  Step 5: Work your way down your list of five goals one by one, starting with the first one.

You can only access the other list if each of the five priority objectives has been accomplished through concentrated effort. The other 20 things might not be as vital as you originally thought they were by this point, or you might discover that by sharpening your focus on the other five, you’ve already managed to do them. However, you will have begun forming some healthy habits, and the good news is that this often only requires a short period of time and some mental effort.

A healthy life

Eating well and drinking plenty of water can impact your power to focus and pay attention significantly. One study showed that when individuals lost more water, they made more mistakes when performing tasks that required their attention. This proved the clear connection between dehydration and deterioration of brain function.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s general advice on being hydrated is to consume (in total):

  •   11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women
  •   15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men

This includes fluids from food and beverages, such as tea and juice, in addition to fluids from water. Most people, on average, are thought to obtain 20% of their water from the meals they consume.

Eating healthily entails including a range of fresh meals in your regular diet and avoiding being hungry at inappropriate times. Make eating a routine action that is, ideally, quite consistent.

You can start by making more colorful food choices and attempting to eat less highly processed food and convenience meals.

Foods that are incredibly useful for brain health and focus include:

  •   Fatty fish with a high omega-3 content, such as salmon (good for brain health and reducing distracting migraine pain)
  •   Dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, and blueberries are all full of antioxidants that are good for the brain.
  •   Walnuts (they look like a brain for a reason) (they look like a brain for a reason)

SleepA App is a mental health app with music and exercises to help you from meditating and improving sleep to reducing stress and increasing focus.
With SleepA App, you can now reduce stress, improve sleep quality and increase focus – all from the comfort of your own bedroom. Our app offers a range of ASMR-like, ambient music, and calming nature sounds that help our users become more mindful through daily sessions and regular practice.

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